Friday, February 22, 2008

The Bets: Who I Think Will Win

Best Actor will definately go to Daniel Day-Lewis for There Will Be Blood. He's a brilliant actor and he's given a great performance. But I think Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd deserves it. He's scary and he slashes and he sings. Best Actress is a tough one, with the brilliant Julie Christie as an Alzheimers patient in a heartbreaking performance in Away From Her, Marion Cotillard in an outstandingly realistic portraylal of Edith Piaf in La Vie en Rose, Ellen Page may also take it as witty Juno. But if I know the critics, I think it will be Christie. Best Supporting Actor is a no contest for Javier Bardem, who has gained many critics awards for his role as a hit man in No Country for Old Men. Best Supporting Actress is a little trickier, but young Soairse Ronan from Atonement has no chance. Gone Baby Gone's Amy Ryam gave a tremendous performance as well as Tilda Swinton in Michael Clayton, Cate Blanchett as a Bob Dylan-esqe character in I'm Not There, and a short but sweet performance by Ruby Dee in American Gangster. Best Director may go to Joel and Ethan Coen for No Country or Paul Thomas Andreson for Blood and even Julian Schnabel for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Best Picture I think may go to No Country, which has been well received by critics. We'll have to see the winners Sunday night at 8/9 p.m. est LIVE from the Kodak Theater on ABC.